Friday, September 18, 2009

Training Tips with Chris Gates

Well, here we go! We began a new project this week, today to be specific.

Chris Gates will be providing very short, straight forward, simple training tips, which I will be sending out in an email. Now if you know someone who needs to get into shape, or if you have been trying to get them into MMA, this just might be their ticket. The project is designed to give them something different every Friday so they can do that for the upcoming week. It won't be complicated or long so hopefully they won't get frustrated or quit. Those of us that work out already can gain from this because I bet we can all use a refresher course on some of the fundamentals from time to time.

So cut and paste this link and email it to all your friends. Tell them to email me at and I will put them on the email list so they can get the tip each week for FREE. Watch it here or on Youtube at the link below.

Also, ask them to sign up for this blog. It is pretty easy to do and they will have free access to all the news in North Mississippi MMA that we can gather. Thanks for spreading the word. This is "Your Tupelo BJJ Team"

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